Discover how you can reduce your home’s utility costs by integrating your utility account with our advanced software solutions. Start saving today with Wexus Technologies.

Real-Time Monitoring

Track your utility costs and usage in real-time with our intuitive software dashboard

Cost Analysis

Get detailed recommendations to lower your utility bills and avoid expensive “time of use” rates

Renewable Energy ROI

Track your home solar array in real time to optimize your ROI,  track billing credits and maintenance

Empowering Residential Utility Customers

We provide residential customers with the tools they need to take control of escalating utility bills – all in one place. Utility costs in California alone have tripled in less than a decade. Our software-enabled solutions offer real-time monitoring, detailed cost analysis, and renewable energy monitoring to help you reduce utility bills while driving efficiency and automation.

Advanced IoT Solutions

Our IoT devices seamlessly integrate with your existing utility infrastructure, providing you with actionable insights and recommendations.

User-Friendly Interface

Our platform is designed with the user in mind, offering an intuitive interface that makes it easy to track and manage your utility usage.

Sustainable Practices

Implementing our solutions not only saves you money but also helps reduce your carbon footprint, promoting a sustainable future.

How to Get Started


Create a Wexus Account

Sign up on our platform and create your personal account to get started



Link Your Utility Account

Connect your existing utility account to our platform for seamless integration


Monitor Usage

Use our real-time monitoring tools to track your utility costs and consumption


Save Money

Get detailed reports and actionable insights to help you reduce utility costs

“With Wexus’s rate analysis service we were able to save 40% in annual energy costs.”

- Satisfied customer

Start Saving Today

Simply enter your utility account information to get a free analysis and let our software do the rest. Take control of your energy costs and start saving today.